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Mindtrain - ACT manual for anxious kids

Mindtrain is an ACT manual for therapists working with anxious children. It is currently in therapy rooms across the globe. In addition to the 10 therapy sessions, the manual comes with numerous resources including audio files and written scripts for mindfulness meditations, Values Cards and games to promote incidental mindfulness.


Interested therapists are welcome to request a copy of the manual via the form at the bottom of our Home Page.


My New Book
Publication date June 2024

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Free psychoeducation videos

Mindtrain: An Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Metaphor

This child-friendly video explores ACT concepts that can assist young people to gain some distance from difficult thoughts and feelings and to develop more workable cognitions in the service of what matters most.

Torch on the Brain

This video explains how we can choose where to place our attention. This skill is especially useful for handling difficult thoughts and feelings.


Therapist note: Torch on the Brain demonstrates how kids can access different skills to better manage overwhelming feelings. The video includes incidental mindfulness, cognitive defusion and acceptance techniques, in the spirit of Acceptance Commitment Therapy.

Thoughts Flowing Through: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Young People

This child-friendly video explores ACT concepts of mindfulness, cognitive defusion and self as concept, without the jargon. The video is designed to assist young people to gain some distance from difficult thoughts and feelings.

The Neurodivergent Foreigner Experience

This video is a fun, child-friendly, hopeful and neuro-affirming metaphor that explores the tendency of neurodivergent people to feel “foreign” in a neurotypical world.

Fight Flight for Kids

This video describes the fight or flight response in the spirit of Acceptance Commitment Therapy. It explores the evolutionary perspective and encourages normalisation of anxiety.

Brain Science for Kids - Thinking and Feeling

This video looks at how the brain can adapt to different situations. It explores why we can lose control of our emotions and how to get back on track.

Avoiding it vs Facing it

This video is designed to help young people recognise how problems can grow when we avoid things we find difficult. It also shows that it is possible to face difficulty, even when we don’t like it, and how worthwhile that can be.


Therapist note: This video uses the concepts of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy including experiential avoidance, creative hopelessness and incidental mindfulness to assist young people to recognise the circular nature of avoidance and the benefits of moving towards valued living, despite the difficulty it necessarily entails.



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