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NEW! Neuro-affirming Acceptance Commitment Therapy for Autistic Kids and Teens
On-Demand Course - Access Any Time
8 Modules 


After presenting successfully in international settings, Jodie is bringing her workshop online across 8 modules, that participants can complete at their own pace. Expected completion time is 8 hours in total.


Jodie will be sharing her unique use of ACT in a population that has proven particularly receptive to this well-established approach. The workshop will move beyond the basics of working with neurodiversity so participants are expected to already be familiar with neurodivergent presentations. Participants will gain strategies and resources for implementing practice immediately. The workshop also includes live in-session demonstrations and original psychoeducation videos. In the spirit of ACT, Jodie will be providing all participants with a free copy of her 10-session ACT manual for practitioners working with anxious children, which includes child-friendly Values cards.


For Practitioners:

Acceptance Commitment Therapy With Kids
On-Demand Webinar - Access Any Time

This workshop will explore how and why Acceptance Commitment Therapy can be applied to children.


  • Connecting with young people using the language and foundations of ACT. Developing a compassionate ACT “layer” to underpin therapeutic interactions.

  • Introduction to CFACT (Compassion-Focused ACT ) and its role in anxiety management

  • Values - gateway to change. Guiding young people towards a valued and meaningful life in the face of difficulty.

  • Acceptance and experiential avoidance

  • Cognitive Defusion - Teaching of flexibility to young people to enable them to handle difficult thoughts and feelings as they emerge.

  • Identity in adolescence - Separating from difficult self-perceptions

  • The role of mindfulness. Meditation vs incidental mindfulness.

  • Application of ACT to more specific presentations including autism, OCD, ADHD.


Part 1 will incorporate a particular focus on the language we use when approaching difficulty and how setting up these expectations in young people, places them on the path for managing life hurdles in a more effective way as they grow and develop across the lifespan.


Part 2 will move beyond the fundamentals of ACT so participants are expected to already be familiar with the basic principles. Participants will gain strategies and resources for implementing practice immediately with young people experiencing mental health difficulties including anxiety, OCD and depression. Ideas for adapting to neurodiverse populations will also be included.


Each part is available as a PDF download, as well both parts together with some suggested resources. These can be downloaded from the Part 2C video handouts!

For Parents:

Parenting on the Autism Spectrum: From Surviving to Thriving
On-Demand Course - Access Any Time
2 Modules 

This highly practical workshop is designed for parents of children and adolescents with autism spectrum conditions. Through an Acceptance Commitment Therapy framework, participants will learn how to promote flexibility in children and parents via:


  • Recognising best times and best methods for teaching social expectations.

  • Teaching of flexibility to young people to enable them to handle difficult thoughts and feelings as they emerge.

  • Utilising language that promotes better listening and calmer responses.

  • Understanding differences in brain function that impact a child’s responses.

  • Preventing meltdowns.

  • Assisting with “giving up” behaviours.

  • Recognising the “why” behind a behaviour to help guide adult action with the best chance of success.

  • Guiding young people towards a valued and meaningful life in the face of difficulty.


Each part is available as a PDF download, and there is also a PDF of both parts together with some suggested resources that can be downloaded from the part two video handouts!

Preparation for the National Psychology Exam
On-Demand Webinar - Access Any Time

Feeling overwhelmed with the amount of suggested reading?
This webinar recording will go through all four sections of the exam and focus on key areas to be covered to maximise your time efficiency when studying.

-How to approach the test itself on the day - techniques for working through the test
-How to approach confusing ethical dilemmas
-Key focus areas for assessments

You will be provided with documents to assist your learning and sample questions.




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